Saturday, February 3, 2007

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Life is Simple

USA when launched man into moon, they were not able to write with pen. Since ink will not flow in low gravity. So they spent much time and 12 million Dollar to find a pen which would write at low gravity and even on crystals.

But what Russia did in this case was they simply used pencil.

Moral : Life is so simple. Don't Complicate it.


Girl:- How much you love me ?
Boy:- Like Shajahan !
Girl:- Then, When will you build a TajMahal ?
Boy:- I have already bought a land. I am waiting for your death...
Girl:- !!!!...

A Student attached a 100 Rupees note on his test paper and wrote, 'Re.1 for 1 mark' a sincere sardar was the valuator. He sent back the remaining 80 Rupees change !!!

One Sardar walking on a road, saw a black particle on middle of road. He touched and tasted that, and said ' CHEE SAANI... NALLAVELA MIDHIKKALA'...

One Sardar got Computer Job. 1st day he worked till evening. Boss was happy and asked what you did today?
Sardar:- Keyboard alphabets are not in right order. I made it correct !!!


I Love Walking in the Rain.
Because, Nobody can see me Crying


Experience makes one modified.
Training makes on qualified.
Involvement alone makes every one satisfied.